Smarter Mobility

Moving on up

Almost a quarter of the world's CO2 emissions from fossil fuels are caused by transport, and increasing car populations in cities are contributing to air quality problems. Together these can only point in one direction: a need for more efficient fuels and lubricants and a wide-scale move to a more sustainable mobility system.

Although such a task may seem daunting, Shell have an enviable track record of successfully meeting challenges. They played an instrumental role in phasing out leaded petrol, pioneered gas-to-liquid fuels and, in the 80s, developed the world's first fully synthetic oil, with a technology that has since helped to improve the performance of low-friction lubricants.

Today, by investing in lower carbon alternatives to petrol and developing more energy-efficient fuels and lubricants, Shell is seeking to implement a new, smarter mobility system to help us to negotiate the transition to a busier, more populated future.

smarter mobility