Upstarts is a series in which key figures from The WIRED 100 list of digital powerbrokers nominate individuals they feel will make a huge impact on people's lives, through digital projects.

They're creating mischievous characters, bringing the future to life, and enabling new ways of creating complex computer games and simulations. They're the Upstarts - three people working today on amazing projects using digital technologies.

For this series, WIRED and Intel asked members of the WIRED 100 to nominate people they thought were pushing the boundaries of innovation within their sectors.

A visualisation made using Herman Narula's Improbable

The nominees are as varied as they are exciting. Transferwise co-founder Taavet Hinrikus recommended including Herman Narula, CEO of Improbable. Hans Ulrich Obrist, co-director of Serpentine Galleries, selected UK artist Matt Copson. And Bruno Giussani, European director of TED, nominated Lucy McRae, an artist and body architect.

Each of the films in the series is as individual and distinct as the Upstarts themselves.

An installation at one of Matt Copson's Reynard exhibitions